Are You in the 4% Club?

Lack of results from scalar services is rare, around 4%. Occasionally this is due to irrevocable spiritual contracts but that’s not common. The usual reason: energy blocks. These blocks that stop the scalar instructions from penetrating and integrating into your energetic body are thought forms, subconscious or conscious. Examples include: “This is too good to be true” or “I’m not worthy enough to get better” or “It will work on everyone else but me.” But these blocks can be removed! When healers like Helena Nimick scans someone’s energy body to check for such blocks, she sees the scalar instructions (even if the service was done months or years ago) waiting right at the auric field, obstructed by a block. When Helena removes the block, she can actually see the scalar waves flow into the energy body and those people almost always notice a significant change. One client told me she got the best night’s sleep ever that same night!

As an energy healer, Helena will scan your physical body and aura providing information on any energy blocks present. After which, Helena will clear and release all blocks, providing guidance on all information. 

The initial energy scan is $30 and any clearing and removal is a further $70. Please email Her PayPal link is

You can have her scan your energy even before you order a scalar service to give you peace of mind that it will work if there are no blocks and if there are, it will work once the blocks are cleared.

3 thoughts on “Are You in the 4% Club?

  1. Irene says:

    Hello Elisa and Eric,
    I am so interested. However, I have two issues. My eyes water, vision makes challenging to read. My memory has shifted. Vocabulary decreased. Please let me know if you can help me. 970-234-7955 or in Colorado. Please let me know.
    God bless you and Erik
    Irene J Zaidi

  2. Amenda Lobstein says:

    Hi Atlantis team!
    I know I’m in the 4% club. A little extra help won’t hurt. 😏
    I’ve emailed and sent 30$ on the 22nd. And no response. I know we’re just getting through the Holidays but I’d like to know does Helena have a website? Fb page? I can’t seem to find anything.

    I hope your holidays went gave you some much needed rest and family time.

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