Birthday Present from Atlantis Scalar!

First: EXCITING NEWS! I get success stories daily from those who have had scalar work with us, but yesterday I received a major one: Someone’s brother, who suffered from a stroke rendering one of his arms useless, received the gift of scalar work as a volunteer (although his sister never told him), is now noticing his hand, which had before been curled up due to contractures, is now unfurling. He thinks it’s a miracle, I’m sure, but frankly, it’s physics and the Divine Team at work.

One more thing before today’s main announcement: If you ordered the Weight Optimization service, I highly recommend you supplement that with regular diet and exercise. I particularly recommend “Intermittent Fasting.” You can Google that and there are books written about it, but of course check with your healthcare provider. That, along with the scalar work, will help you shed that extra weight more rapidly!

Happy Birthday, Atlantis Scalar! To celebrate, Erik is having me do something called a “boost protocol” for the next two weekends and he wants me to do this annually FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER HAD SCALAR ENERGY WORK with us. There is no charge for this even though it will mean 14-18 hour days until it’s complete, but we love doing this and we love you all. What does this mean for you? All past energy work will receive a “shot in the arm,” all gaps filled, services strengthened and energy blocks that have invariably accumulated in your energy over the months will be cleared. I will continue to do the regular scalar services during the week, but for now, I’m about 1.5-2 weeks backlogged.

Also, Erik has instituted a refer-a-friend option for you guys to get $75 for all referrals that come from outside of your household for Super Portal Work. Check it out here:

Looking for abundance (wealth, health, love, creativity and more)? More often than not, a lack of abundance is due to portals in your energy body that are closed to that stream of abundance. It’s easy to open them with scalar energy work, and I’m continually amazed by the reports of amazing abundance after that work is done. Invest in yourself. You deserve it. Watch the video testimonials here:


Elisa and Erik and the rest of the Team

4 thoughts on “Birthday Present from Atlantis Scalar!

  1. Pamela says:

    Happy Birthday, Atlantis Scalar! You’ve done a lot of work! Wow! Thanks, Elisa, Archangel Erik, and Divine Team for the gifts of free rejuvenation Scalar energy on your birthday. It is comforting, much appreciated! Elisa, you are wonderful! May all Celestial Beings dance and sing in praise of your work! Hugs, Pammi

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