All You Should Know About Addictive Substances and Behaviors

Addiction can be either behavioral or physical, and often they go hand in hand. Though tobacco and alcohol are commonly recognized types of addiction, there are actually many types of medically and scientifically recognized addictions. Cravings, inability to stop, compulsions, and lifestyle dysfunction all point to the existence of some addiction types. A person can be addicted to behaviors as seriously as one can be addicted to substances like alcohol or hard drugs. To know more about addictive substances and behaviors, read below.

The addictive behaviors that result from addictive and behaviors types of addiction can have serious negative consequences though, from all that comes with a substance use disorder to the perils of gambling addiction, or even sexual behavior to an unhealthy degree and compulsive shopping. These adverse effects of the development of addiction can include destructive behavior, financial issues, relationship issues, family conflict, and the negative feelings that come up as a result of these things.

Signs Of Addiction!

Addiction demonstrates itself differently in each person, and signs of addiction vary based on what the person is addicted to. Drug addiction changes the body, specifically the brain, and can have visible physical side effects. Behavioral addiction does not manifest the same physical symptoms that accompany drug and alcohol addiction or substance abuse.

Some signs of addictive substances and behaviors that are not physical include:

  • Not able to quit using or engaging in the behavior
  • Relationship or social issues
  • A significant amount of time spent employing substances or engaging in the behavior
  • Not able to fulfill obligations at work, school, or office
  • Withdrawal symptoms upon quitting
  • Increased tolerance
  • Previously enjoyed hobbies abandoned

Dependency is when an individual requires something in order to function normally and is often accompanied by enhanced tolerance and symptoms of withdrawal when the drug or behavior is no longer present. It is an ingress to addiction. An individual can be dependent without being addicted if it does not cause a person to engage in harmful or compulsive behavior. If you find yourself or your beloved one becoming dependent on any substance or behavior, it is crucial to seek help as quickly as possible to avoid getting to the point of addiction, which is even more challenging to overcome.

Addiction, whether behavioral or physical, impacts many parts of an individual’s life. Repeated use of substances or repeated behaviors results in brain changes, leading to decision-making, and impaired learning, memory and judgment. Over time, addiction causes organ damage and enhances the risk of contracting a communicable disease.

Treatment Of Addiction!

It is possible to return to a healthy life with the assistance of the appropriate behavioral therapies, exercise, medication-assisted treatment, and a sense of community. There are lots of treatment options available and our compassionate treatment team is here to support your substance abuse disorder. We at Atlantis Scalar diagnose co-occurring disorders so we can get to the root of the addiction. We provide the proper medical treatment to alleviate both.

Final Words!

Having an addiction of any type impacts life very badly. So, if you find any sign of addictive substances and behaviors, ensure you take treatment as soon as possible. We at Atlantis Scalar provide the best service to keep you healthy. Visit our website to know more!

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