New Commercial!

Filmmaker and dear friend, Paola Marino has created a new video ad to be used on YouTube. (Although it will be cut into smaller segments for each ad.) I think it’s brilliant, just like her! Check it out:

Want a $50 coupon? Then you, too, can make a short video testimonial and send it to me at

NEWS FLASH: I just added script to make sure during the ERPE that you endorphin levels triple daily. Endorphins are instrumental in modulating the immune system and controlling the body’s inflammatory response. Inflammation is at the root of almost every disease and condition, even autism, heart disease and cancer. Always adding anything to help my beloved peeps.

Be sure you get your tune-up after six months have passed since your portal work…just like a dental cleaning, but for your energy.

Last, I’m running out of written testimonials. I’d be VERY grateful if you could take the time to write one up.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and grandmoms out there!


2 thoughts on “New Commercial!

  1. Evelyn Di Novo says:

    I have had many services provided by AtlantisScalar. I can’t express in words how Elisa and Erik have impacted my life. Fear dominated my existence. It was crippling. Fear of money, fear of life, fear of my marriage not surviving the ups and downs. I have had many of the services she has provided; Portal Work, Empath Protection, Guardian Angel Name, Contracts Revoked, Healing Spiritual Illness, Chakra Overhaul, Weight Optimization, Energy Repair Protection and Enhancement Tune up, Increased Physical and Mental Energy. My life has completed changed. I no longer live in fear of money, fear of day to day life, fear of death, suicidal thoughts. I am more positive and less stressed out. I can’t express in words what Elisa and Erik have done for me and my life. It is an indescribable feeling that is so hard to articulate in words. All I can tell you is that life is a joy for me now and my relationship between my father and husband have become so much better. It is hard to acknowledge that I had issues with suicidal thoughts since I was 13 years old. Nobody knows in my family these thoughts that ran in my head. I am 54 years old now and I do not have thoughts of suicide anymore. I have a desire to live and know that I am loved. Thank you both!

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