Vital Memorial Day Announcements

All things not of Love and Light, particularly reptilians, have been ramping up their offensive against us. They’ve been causing the emails I send to you to “get lost” (probably in that same dimension where all those mateless docks wind up) and they’ve tried to (unsuccessfully) delete language in my intent scripts and they’ve of […]

Weekly Update

Hello all! Documentary filmmaker/producer/director Paola Marino request that everyone help her create the eventual scalar energy documentary by doing monthly (more or less) videos to document progress in the work you have had done, including birthmark and tattoo removal, but really anything and everything. Getting content is critical because the masses need to know that […]

New Service for Testing (and other cool stuff!)

As many of you know, Erik decided to release three of the new services that have passed the testing phase: Increasing Psychic Abilities, Pain Relief (for now, hips, sacral, lower back, shoulders and neck) and Relief from Addiction to Addictive Substance (yes, including food and sugar, not just illicit substances) and Addictive Behaviors. So far […]

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